
Featured Projects: Designing & making a CNC router, Underwater Robotics, HomeLab Server Projects

Course Projects @ Olin

Principles of Integrated Engineering (Fall 2022)

PIE has a strong focus on multidisciplinary team-based projects and integrating microcontrollers into mechanical systems.

ShopNot (CNC Router)

As a multidisciplinary team of 5, we built a fully functional 3-axis CNC Router in six weeks with a budget of 250 dollars.

Architecture and Urbanism (Fall 2022)

Taught by professor Sara Hendren, this course explores the intersections between society and our built environment.

Op-Ed: Winter Cycling is Not an Extreme Sport

For the final deliverable, we were tasked with writing an Op-Ed to make a persuasive argument about something in our built environment.

Materials Creation, Consumption, and Impact (Fall 2022)

Putting a sustainability spin on Materials Science, MCCI focuses on the lifecycles and material properties of single use plastics, industrial products, and consumer goods.

Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene

For our first MCCI project, we incorporated the materials science labs and lots of research to explore single-use plastics. Our team decided to learn about UHMWPE, specifically the rope made from this material increasingly used in commercial fishing.

Aluminum: Cast v. Wrought Alloys

For our second MCCI project, we were tasked with learning about an industrial material, including research, lab testing, and more. My group decided to explore the difference between wrought and cast aluminum alloys.

Patagonia Down Jackets

As our 3rd project, we were tasked with diving into the materials, culture, and impact of a consumer product that is meaningful to us. My teammate and I decided to research Patagonia down jackets.

Quantitative Engineering Analysis 3 (Fall 2022)

Erg Stroke Analysis

For my final QEA 3 project, my group decided to use DFTs and frequency analysis to look deeper into the timing of the rowing stroke, specifically on an ergometer.

Software Design (Spring 2022)

An computing elective at Olin, Software Design teaches the principles of various disciplines of software design and programming through the use of Python. I completed this course in Spring 2022.

Local Climate Change

We’ve noticed that the vast majority of global warming and climate change information in the media centers around either record-breaking disasters or complex scientific studies inaccessible to the average citizen. We decided to visualize weather data over time, not in the Arctic or the stratosphere, but from the same local weather stations that supply your weather app the current temperature when you wake up in the morning.

We decided to dig into data collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), more specifically their National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). By looking at these historical weather datasets from a wide variety of cities around the United States, we can begin to visualize the increase in global temperatures and ever-changing global climate.

Our hypothesis is that if humans can see the data behind their anecdotal observations of a warming climate, and if these datasets are representative of their own backyards, they will be more inclined to understand the magnitude and urgency of the climate crisis.

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then a YouTube video is worth a lot… and now you can search them!

Have you ever been frustrated because you can’t find a YouTube video you’ve already seen? You remember the creator, and you remember what they talked about, but you can’t remember the title. Maybe it’s a news channel where multiple topics are mentioned per video. Maybe it’s an educational channel and you know you watched something really helpful, but you can’t remember which specific video covered it. Maybe you just like data and you want to rank videos based on how many times a word/words are said.

Now you can!

Introduction to Sensors, Instrumentation, and Measurement (Spring 2022)

Conducting experiments and making measurements is an essential aspect of all branches of science and engineering. In this course we will learn the basic tools of making physical measurements and conducting experiments. We will collect data, analyze data, and design experimental systems. Using inexpensive modern sensors, we will build the necessary supporting electronics and learn to collect data with computer-based data acquisition systems.

Ultrasonic Rangefinder Lab

This lab was the 9th and final lab of the ISIM course. The assignment was to create, calibrate, and test a simple ultrasonic rangefinder, including both transmitter and receiver circuits.

Design Nature (Fall 2021)

A first-year course at Olin, Design Nature teaches the principles of sustainability, biomimicry, and collaborative, stakeholder-driven design.

Bio-Inspired Hopper Project

In the Hopper Project, students learn about the various mechanisms used by creatures that hop. Students venture out into the woods to observe hopping creatures, and then spend 7 weeks designing, prototyping, iterating, and testing simple hopping devices based on these principles. Hoppers are constructed out of a small variety of sustainable materials, and students learn about sustainable design practices during this project.

Bio-Inspired Play Project

In this project, students design and engineer a toy that captures the wonder of nature in a fun way – with an audience of real fourth graders from a local school as their audience.

Democracy and Media (Fall 2021)

A first-year elective course at Olin, Democracy and Media teaches an understanding of democracy as something you and those around you can choose to create and practice. We ask ourselves the quintessential civic question: “What should we do?” and consider “What is my role and responsibility as a citizen? as an engineer? as a member of the Olin community?”

Public Narrative

A public narrative, as developed by veteran organizer and Harvard lecturer Marshall Ganz, uses storytelling as “an exercise of leadership by motivating others to join you in action on behalf of a shared purpose.” Each student tells a story from their own life that illustrates a challenge they want to call you to action to address.

Designing for Democracy

Project Description: What deserves to be democratized? Teams will identify a design challenge where the status quo is underwhelming, such as “democratize social media” or “expand voting rights,” and then look at institutions, norms and regulations, products, services, and experiences related to their challenge and imagine ways to make it more democratic / to support the growth of democracy / to support citizens to act democratically. Design challenges should be real, not imagined. You should be able to identify areas of society that would benefit from being more democratic. Using speculative design, you will create one or more “Design Artifacts” that realize a proposed design (a re-design of the status quo), and you will write a “Designer Statement” that explains what you did and why.

Other Courses

  • Projects and Markets (Spring 2022) - Introductory entrepreneurship course.
  • Quantitative Engineering Analysis 2 (Spring 2022) - Learning calculus and linear algebra through boats and robot path planning.
  • Quantitative Engineering Analysis 1 (Fall 2021) - Learning calculus and linear algebra through facial recognition algorithms and boats.
  • Modeling and Simulation of the Physical World (Fall 2021) - Building computational models for real world systems using MATLAB.


Other Projects @ Olin

Public Interest Technology

Olin PInT: We are a community of students learning how to serve the public interest by creating an engineering practice that centers care, equity, and a critical understanding of the systemic injustices that our work seeks to address.

Out Maine - Educational Video Game (Fall 2021)

Served as project manager for a group collaborating with the youth LGBTQ+ advocacy organization Out Maine. The group is working on building an educational video game to introduce children and teens to people of different identities.

Passionate Pursuits

Laser-Cut Topographic Maps


Personal Projects

Server/IoT Projects

I am currently running a central server on a Dell Precision 5810, as well as a remote server on a Raspberry Pi 2B.

While configuring and maintaining this infrastructure, I have gained experience with:

  • Ubuntu Server
  • Docker
  • Portainer (container management)
  • Traefik (web proxy)
  • DDClient (dynamic DNS)
  • Nextcloud (self-hosted file storage & more)
  • HomeAssistant (self-hosted smart home management)
  • PhotoPrism (self-hosted AI-powered photo storage)
  • MariaDB

Web Design

Personal Portfolio

I built this website as a place to keep my project portfolio, resume, and other personal artifacts. I have employed GitHub Pages and the Minimal Mistakes framework to build a simple, functional site.

Downeast Equine Sanctuary

After hearing about an equine sanctuary local to me, I decided to visit, take photos of the animals, and build a website. The goal of this project was to help build an online presence, which can eventually be used to drive donations and help keep the sanctuary financially sustainable.

Bear Cove Media

To make my photography business site/portfolio, I used the Adobe Portfolio tool, allowing me to seamlessly sync my Lightroom albums onto the visually appealing site.


High School Projects

FIRST Robotics Competition - Team 7127

2020 Season - Infinite Recharge

2021 Season